Monica Vazquez
HUA 101.1301
Professor Harmon
November 6, 2013
Dada Artwork
1. Describe a Dada
Artwork. What world event influenced this style? How?
Dada artwork is art
that was created by pieces cheap uncollectable material put together to create
an art piece whose purpose is to be radical and to see things in a new
perspective. The Mona Lisa with the mustache is unconventional. It breaks all
the rules of art and has its viewers respond to a message of accepting what is
out of place and looking at in from a different point of view. The dada artwork
started in protest after world war one, it was used criticized society through its
rebellious art. These pieces are out of the ordinary, they are not cohesive, and
they ridiculed conventional rule. By making something that is out of the
ordinary in a time where things are ruled by chaos, they begin to understand
artwork that is outspoken and different.
2. Describe the work of
Jacob Lawrence in the video. What were this artist's influences?
The work of Jacob Lawrence
is an artist who talks about migration and labor of southern African Americans.
Some of Jacob Lawrence’s influences are Goya, African American history, and the
Harlem Renaissance. His paintings were also inspired by Matisse; he uses patterns
and flat space similar to the work of French Modernists.
Talk more about the Mona Lisa, like what was the purpose for the artist to draw the mustache on the Mona Lisa.